It is so easy to think you are on the same page only to discover you are working from completely different meanings. Clarity around concepts is crucial in working out of people’s culture.
- EU Trainer -

— Curricula Components

Based on the theoretical foundation, we now delve into the components and design of a curriculum. The concepts ‘curriculum’ and ‘curricular framework’ are used frequently by training stakeholders without a clear conceptual reference (for the detailed analysis see Wolter et al., 2017). In the absence of a common understanding and guidelines on how to design a curriculum in peace training, this chapter fills this gap, providing suggestions for curriculum design. We offer guiding questions for training needs assessment, recommendations on how do to elaborate learning objectives and a practical checklist for trainers and course developers.

Curricula Components

A curricular framework is an overarching document, policy or strategy that outlines vision and purpose of particular training activities, sets guidelines and structures for curricula, and prescribes requirements for approaches and curriculum design, implementation and evaluation (UNESCO – IBE, 2013). One example is the EU Training Policy, as it gives guidelines and purpose for curricula implementation of EU peace training. Concretely, the Policy places EU visions, goals and policies for conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities, such as Common Security and Defence Policy, in a curriculum context. It stipulates that training is divided into basic, advanced, pre-deployment training and mission induction training, and defines the broad target audience. It applies to all participating training stakeholders of the ESDC. In the absence of a framework, one can still place the curriculum in a social and political context, clarifying the given conditions, such as donor requirements and training need requirements, thereby placing a curriculum under particular CPPB strategies and approaches.

A single curriculum is defined as an “inventory of activities implemented to design, organise and plan an education or training action, including definition of learning objectives, content, methods (including assessment) and material, as well as arrangements for training teachers and trainers”(CEDEFOP, 2011, p.43). With the ENTRi curricula model¹ (2017a) and peace education frameworks as reference points, we recommend considering the following nine core aspects plus resource materials in every planning, design and reviewing process of CPPB training curriculum.

¹ ENTRi calls it framework methodology